Book List

Howdy! This is going to be a page that will be frequently updated with new books added to my reading list. I'll share my thoughts and insights that I'll gather along the way.

There's not really a goal for this page besides keeping myself accountable with reading more in 2024.

Sadly, I only read like 5 books last year...

Goal for this year is to read atleast 2 books a month.



The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

Reading this book after a career change has been mindblowing. The first time I read this book was for Grade 9 English. 14-year-old Christine was only focused on passing her assignment than enjoying the story. A must read for those who are making a career change and love reading fiction.

Health and Fitness

Maximus Body: The Physical and Mental Training Plan That Shreds Your Body, Builds Serious Strength, and Makes You Unstoppably Fit by Bobby Maximus and Michael Easter

Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities, 2nd Edition by Michael Boyle

Eat It!: The Most Sustainable Diet and Workout Ever Made: Burn Fat, Get Strong, and Enjoy Your Favorite Foods Guilt Free by Jordan Syatt & Mike Vacanti

Personal/Business Development

Be Our Guest: Revised and Updated Edition: Perfecting the Art of Customer Service (The Disney Institute Leadership Series) by Theodore B. Kinni

I forgot how I stumbled across this book on Amazon but I'm glad I did. When I first started reading this book, I started working in customer service online. I'm amazed at how much detail that Disney goes into ensuring high quality customer service. They even strategized how far apart their trash cans should be and the colour of them. If you've also been to Disneyland and world, you're going to be mindblown at the tiny things that you didn't notice were so strategic. If you're in customer service and you like Disney, you'll find this an entertaining read.

How To Be F*cking Happy: Get Clear. Do The Work. Earn The Money. Live Your Life by Dan Meredith

This has to be my favourite personal/business development book in a while. I was expecting some alpha male guru work 24/7 vibes but that wasn't the case at all. There was lots of great stories and felt like a journal entry with lots of helpful philosophies and tactics that Dan actually uses.

5 key parts of the book that made this book worth reading for me:

  • If someone is acting out of character saying something like:
    • Do you want a shoulder or solution?
    • Before I respond, can I just ask, are you?
  • The show up simply method - take the first 1-2 hours of your day
    • Create and publish content - 1 quality content/day
    • Connect with people - 5-20 people/day
    • Start conversations - 3 -5 quality conversations/day
  • A different take on gratitude - Imagine something you’re grateful for and then imagine that thing you’re grateful for is no longer here, how would you feel? What would that look like?
  • Guarantee success by analyzing failure - list ways you could f*** up a goal, the do the exact opposite. it’s a quick but effective way to strategize for success.
  • As long you:
    • Are a good person
    • have genuine and valid reason for wanting more
    • have sound morals and ethics
    • make a difference with what you create and sell
    • ....then 100% you are worth it and you’ve got to work on believing that

How To Be F*cking Awesome by Dan Meredith

6 key parts of the book that made this book worth reading for me:

  • If you’re meeting someone for the first time, start the conversation with “how do you spend your time” instead of what do you do for work.
  • 5-3-1 system
    • list out everything you need to do
      • then prioritize
        • 1 - super important, business critical, time/deadline bound, makes money, or only I can do it
        • 2 - important, but doesn’t need to be done now
        • 3 - no time bound, not critical, someone else could do it
      • only do 3-5 of 1s a day
      • if there’s time, add in 2s and 3s
  • Implement in your morning routine - 1st hour is yours!
    • Don’t check emails or the internet
    • get yourself in the right framework
  • Evening routine
    • no work 2 hours before sleeping
    • last few hours are to chill and do whatever
    • charge the phone in another room
    • bedroom should only be reserved for S and S
  • time invested + effort expanded + disciplined behaviours = success (Eventually)
  • if you get a bad message, write aggressive message but don’t send it, instead paste it in notes and come back to it the next day to see if you would still message them

A Goat Gets What a Goat Wants: Old school ways for a digital age by Nigel Meredith

Books On My Reading List

  • How to win friends and influence people
  • This is Personal by Brennan Dunn
  • Pathless Path (re-read)
  • Name of the wind
  • the long way to a small, angry planet series
  • the unlikely pilgrimage of harold fry series
  • Dungeon Crawler Carl (Recommended by Joesph Robertson)
  • The Wheel of time (Recommended by Susan Abel)
  • The Success Principles by Jack Canfield (Recommended by Jeremy Ginn)
  • Malice by Keigo Higashino (Recommended by Arvindh Sundar)
  • Obviously Awesome (Recommended by Mattia Righetti)
  • The Mom Test (Recommended by Mattia Righetti)
  • “Anthropocene Reviewed” by John Green (Recommended by Mariia)
  • Miss Peregrine Series by Ransom Riggs (Recommended by Amine)